Part 13
Alright, we've got enough souls for now, it's time to get some schooling.

Nice, it's time for some flower power. We hop down and take a look around.
First thing you notice about this place, it's full of plants,

and gorillas. Fortunately instead of Dian Fossey we brought Jun,
and Jun hates gorillas /
Backup, so we cut through these guys rather quickly.
After butchering one of mans distant cousins and making ash trays out of their hands, we continue exploring.

Then again, maybe Fossey is here somewhere. I leaf through the journal. Basically it gives you a run down on how to work through the plant puzzle in this place. You can aquire different scents, which the certain flower walls reacts to and let you pass.

Here's a yellow flower wall, which I need the scent from the yellow room to pass. There's a yellow scent, a red scent and a dead body which gives you the blue scent.

Yeah, it was real pleasent being neck deep in green gunk getting the scent to pass the red flowers.

Little Shop of Horrors ITT.

I go all agent orange on these bitches.

With results!!

Ah the loot flows freely here. I am pleased.

Apparently Fossey was trippin her ass off with all the gorilla hand talk bullshit. I snag a bit for myself.

The secret to the plant puzzle is to weaken one of the blue plant walls.

I drop a hit on it.

Hells yes! Now that the blue plant is down for the count I can get the yellow scent and go past the yellow plant behind it. The first time I played this game it took me forever to figure this out.
More exploring:


You need these bad boys to unlock parts of the secret super dungeon at the end of the game. One down!
Towards the end of the dungeon I have to carry the red scent to the last flower wall, but there is a fountain in the way.

I thought this was always kind of neat. The fountain washes off any scent you have on.

So I find a good place to climb...

and take the scenic route along the roof.
After leaping down I walk in to see what boss I get to ruin this time.

Goddamn bird-women!

How dare you insult all natural birds!

This gal is a pain in the ass when you try and use your swords on her. Add to that the fact that the bitch casts reflect on herself in her first turn, so yeah, your magic isn't doing shit this fight. Luckily I keep a bow on Lenneth.

Jun makes sweet and sour chicken out of her ass.
After the glorious battle I go climb a tree...

For 3 more artifacts!!!
Woo another location scurged of undead, and gorillas, and mean plant things...
Anyway, which artifacts do you all want me to keep. I'm aware I can probably keep everything, but I don't like to needlessly keep crappy ones.
Also, I know the Holy Grail is pretty much a keeper since you transmute it into the Braclet of Zoe, but does anyone else every keep it around in grail form for the golden drops?
On a final note Jun and Jelanda are the lucky winners of this chapters "See Your Ass Later" contest, and will be on the next train to Asgard. They both will get a little more training before heading up. honestly I will miss Jun cause he's pretty

, but he's needed elsewhere. I'm just glad I can get

the hell out of here.